Health Creation is State Management

In This Lab...

Orientation to Health Creation is State Management
Core Understandings & Objectives
Self Assessment of My Potential
Part 1: Humans As State Seekers
Part 2: Becoming a More Effective State Manager
Practical Perception
Part 3: Your Physiology and Your State
Part 4: Taking Back Control – Quieting Our Monkey Brain
Part 5: The Role of V-Metrics: The Health Creation Lab
Part 6: Recognizing & Honoring Our Potential for Optimizing Vitality and Health
Key Takeaways
Self Assessment of My Potential
Exercising Your Freedom To Choose
Key Habits
Health Creation is State Management Checklist
Related Labs
Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

Your state is the sum expression of the way you are thinking, feeling and behaving in the moment. It’s your way of being. Learning to manage your state to be increasingly congruent with your core values, preferred identity, desired relationships, and legacy is integral to creating the vitality, health and well-being that you aspire to. It’s the key to implementing new habits with more ease and certainty, and evolving your lifestyle.

State management is the art and science of knowing the ways of being which matter most to you and knowing how to create experiences that are congruent with them, deeply and consistently, even when circumstances make it challenging to do so.

Improving your ability to manage your state will enable you to more effectively notice the states that drain you and those that renew and recharge you. By engaging the practical exercises within this Lab, your “feeling brain” will learn the higher rewards that come with being more aware of your state and responding more resourcefully and positively to the situations and circumstances you find yourself in. This Lab and the insight-rich exercises within it, will lead you to reprogram the states which have been leading you into repeat counterproductive habits, and will empower you to create states that enliven and revitalize you.
  • Will deepening your understanding of state management and cultivating the skills it requires lead you to experience a more vibrant, meaningful, and rewarding life?
  • Will it enable you to free yourself from the habitual ways of feeling that lead you to repeat habits that undermine you and your potential?
  • Might it be more rewarding and pragmatic to focus on improving how you internalize and respond to the circumstances you find yourself in, than to find fault in those circumstances and the role others play in them?
  • Will learning to be a better author, playwright, director, and lead actor in the moments and circumstances your life is lived in, be the key to your success? Success that matters deeply to you and to those you love?

We humans are “state seekers”. We make most decisions based on how we believe we will feel as the direct or indirect result. Many of these decisions are made subconsciously and in accord with longstanding, counterproductive and self-limiting conditioning. Learning how we operate, and deepening our understanding of how to shift our mindsets and habitual behaviors, puts us in the driver’s seat in our lives in important and powerful new ways. Few endeavors have the power to shift and improve your life the way advancing your state management skills will. Everything improves when your state management skills improve, especially your relationships.


What impact has this Lab had on you?