Relationship Index

In This Lab...

Relationships Index Orientation
Relationships Index How-To Tutorial
The Importance of Your Perception of Your Relationships
The Role of the V-Metrics Relationships Index
Key Takeaways
Key Habits
Related Labs
Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

There is a compelling case for the quality of our relationships, being a major influence on our happiness and sense of well-being across our lifetime. Being clear on our intention with those who we live, work and relate with, allows us to pay attention to, and foster each relationship more actively.

How we invest our attention and what our conscious intentions are when we do so, has extraordinary influence on our outcomes and our quality of life. Our relationships are no exception here. Being more conscious of the outcomes we desire in our relationships and paying more consistent and thoughtful attention to each has been well established to lead to improvements in them. These improvements transfer to multiple areas of our lives. Understanding the role of our Relationships Index and engaging it as intended will result in important new insights and elevated awareness that leads to new relationship building habits. This is especially true when you engage our Building Relationships Lab in concert with it.
  • Will the ability to qualitatively measure your experience of central relationships, paying more consistent attention to them, and learning more about improving them, lead you to think, feel, and act in ways that result in stronger, more satisfying relationships?
  • If so, how does doing so impact your vitality and well-being?
  • How might improving your relationships impact your sense of purpose and legacy?

We cannot improve on what we do not know. We cannot know what we do not measure. To understand what we measure more effectively, we are best to trend it over time.

Engaging the reflections and provocative psycho-emotional process which this index invokes will serve to draw your attention to the relationships that are important to you, and motivate you to improve on them. It will provide you with the key benchmarking you require going forward to be able to measure your progress in this essential area.

The Labs: Building Relationships, Conscious Communication, in concert with many others, will equip you to improve your relationships in ways that otherwise may not have occurred to you. Time you invest in improving your skills here will pay exceptional dividends throughout your lifetime.


What impact has this Lab had on you?