Sunlight & Vitamin D

In This Lab...

Orientation to Sunlight & Vitamin D
Photo-Biomodulation & Photo-Regulation
The Wavelengths of Sunlight
Sunlight, Skin Cancer, Wrinkles & The Immune System
Responsible Sun Exposure
Managing Your Dose
Exercise Caution
Bolster Your Internal Defenses
Key Takeaways
Sunlight Habits Log
Key Habits
Sunlight & Vitamin D Checklist
Related Labs
Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

Have you ever wondered how sunlight can feel so good and yet be “so bad for you”? That’s because sunlight, in the proper dose range, is not only very good for us, but we actually need it to function better. Light provides regulatory input into many functions of our body-mind and is recently believed to influence every function and cell within us. This process is broadly referred to as photo-biomodulation.

The timing and intensity of our exposures to sunlight and artificial sources of light have profound effects on our mood, vitality, and function. Effects which we are only just beginning to explore and understand more deeply. In this Lab we explore the areas that have been well researched and have been found to have significant influence on us. We go on to clarify our guidelines on how to safely and effectively approach your personal exploration of sunlight and vitamin D’s impact on your vitality and well-being.
  • Have you properly studied the role of sunlight and vitamin D in your health?
  • How certain are you that your exposures are safe, yet adequate enough to be optimizing your vitality and well-being?
  • How much better might you feel and function if you were to optimize your sunlight exposure and vitamin D levels?

Our fear of the potentially damaging effects of overexposure to sunlight has blinded many to the myriad of benefits that come from appropriate exposure to sunlight. While many vacillate between insufficient exposure and overexposure, very few have the knowledge and guidance they need to optimize it. The Goldilocks Principle applies very well here. Thoughtful study of this Lab and engagement of the guidelines we present will lead you to safely ensure you get the sunlight exposure you need to feel and function better. You will soon notice how much better you feel and be able to witness improvements in sleep, energy and very likely, skin health and your general appearance. Much like plants which receive adequate sunlight, yet on a far more subtle level, you will become more radiant.


What impact has this Lab had on you?