Worry, Fear & Anxiousness

In This Lab...

Orientation to Worry, Fear & Anxiousness
The Peace to Panic Continuum
Recognizing Anxiousness at the Earliest Stages
Practical Perception
Take Action
Key Takeaways
Worry & Anxiousness Awareness Log
Steps to Shift to a More Resourceful State When Worried, Fearful and/or Anxious
Exercising Your Freedom To Choose
Deep Reflection for Troubling Circumstances
Letting Go
Key Habits
Worry, Fear & Anxiousness Checklist
Related Labs
Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

Worry, fear and anxiousness are so ubiquitous in our culture that most have become normalized to experiencing them through much of their day. Many have become so used to carrying tension in their chest, abdomen and muscles that they no longer recognize it.

The more aware and effective we become in recognizing the early signs of anxiousness and addressing them, the more present, vital, and happy we will be. This Lab covers how to recognize anxiousness at the earliest stages, and address what it is calling your attention to. It also covers how to deepen your understanding of habitual patterns of worry and take steps to disrupt them. When we learn to turn worries into actionable concerns, we free ourselves from them. The self-help guidance within this lab is not to be confused with medical advice from a mental health professional. If you are experiencing chronic intractable, paralyzing anxiety, please seek the advice of a properly qualified mental health professional.
  • How clearly do you understand your emotions and interoception (internal sensations) as signals calling to be constructively processed and expressed?
  • Do you understand that feelings of worry, fear and anxiousness are natural and useful to us, unless they have become habitual and self-limiting?
  • Have you learned how to get unstuck when you find yourself stuck in these emotions?

We all get stuck at times. Where stuck means limited by habitual responses to our fears, frequently childhood fears established by events we no longer recall. Getting unstuck requires the right tools and practices and at times, when more severe and chronic, expert psychological help. The tools and practices within this Lab provide a solid foundation for you to proactively decrease how often you get stuck and for how long. You will find them helpful and freeing.


What impact has this Lab had on you?