We're excited that you're interested in learning more about what we have to offer you and your organization. Please provide your contact information so we can follow up. We promise to keep it strictly confidential. We do not share or sell your information.
Grow Your People
Grow Your Company
Grow Your Value
Grow Your Company
Grow Your
Imagine an organization...
- Where co-workers support one another’s personal growth, vitality, and well-being to improve their workplace culture and make their organization more resilient and successful.
- Where co-workers are aligned in their commitment to address their limitations, become more vital, continue to learn, grow, succeed, and realize more of their potential.
- Where co-workers are committed to being better, more capable, resourceful, and more compassionate communicators.
- Where new insights lead to improvements in skillsets, daily habits, decision making and relationship skills—significantly enhancing individual well-being and workplace culture as a whole.
- Where expert 1:1 Health & Vitality Coaching support is a simple in-app tap away.
- Where leadership understands critical health and well-being trends and is equipped to proactively take steps to optimize their organization’s culture, vitality, and well-being.

Imagine this is Your Organization…
How might this impact your workplace culture and environment?
How might it impact your customer interactions and experiences?
How extraordinary would it be to work in such an environment?
At V-Metrics, we are dedicated to enhancing the overall well-being of each member of your team, and directly impacting their vitality, morale, and life skillsets. Improving your workplace culture and bottom line as a result.
An individual with the energy, vitality, and knowledge to effect
meaningful change is a difference maker.
A team with the energy, vitality, and knowledge to effect meaningful change becomes a force greater than the sum of its parts.
Leverage The Expert System:
Achieve Personal &
Organizational Transformations
Organizational Transformations
Think Differently,
Lead More Effectively
Lead More Effectively
Game-Changing Resources
Game-Changing Resources
Optimize Your
Team's Vitality & Performance
Team's Vitality & Performance
Improve Your
Environment & Culture
Environment & Culture
Support New Cognitive & Behavioral Skills
Overcome Personal &
Organizational Obstacles
Organizational Obstacles
Build Purpose, Meaning
& Explore Your Potential!
& Explore Your Potential!

High-Level Journey
1. Executives & Management Welcomed On Board
- Corporate leadership is introduced to the V-Metrics System and its benefits, including benchmark Vitality Assessments at a regional Certified V-Metrics Assessment Center.
- Executives select a member of their company to be the Vitality Ambassador to act as the liaison between the corporation and our V-Metrics Team.
- Executives are encouraged to lead by example and be the first to participate where possible. These uniquely positive experiences serve to increase leadership’s understanding of the opportunities with V-Metrics and boosts enthusiasm for company-wide participation.
2. Selecting the Best Membership Plan
- Corporate leadership, in consultation with V-Metrics, chooses the most suitable membership plan for the company.
- Factors such as the location of Vitality Assessments (at-work or at-center) and the cadence for 1:1 coaching are taken into consideration.
3. Creation of Unique Corporate ID
- A unique corporate ID is generated to track the affiliation of employees with the organization.
- This ID ensures seamless tracking of employee participation and engagement with the V-Metrics System. It also ensures the correct individuals are included in the de-identified, aggregate reporting of vitality, well-being, and participation metrics for the organization.
4. Employee Activation
- Employees create an account at app.v-metrics.com and utilize their corporate ID to activate their memberships.
- This step initiates the automated onboarding process for individual employees.
5. Automated Onboarding
- Upon activation, employees are guided through an automated onboarding process, which includes an in-app Integration Checklist, video tutorials, multimedia orientation materials, push notifications and email campaigns (when enabled).
- They receive step-by-step instructions and resources to familiarize themselves with the platform and its features.
6. Employee Assessments & Goal Setting
- Employees use their new My Goals feature to select their primary goals and proceed to complete the in-app portion of their Well-Being Assessment.
- Employees then use app booking feature to schedule their Vitality Assessment date, time, and location, whether onsite at corporate At-Work Health Creation Lab (see below), or offsite at a regional Certified V-Metrics Assessment Center.
7. At-Work Health Creation Lab Created (as applicable)
- Corporations with 15+ employees may prefer to set up an onsite facility to accommodate unlimited Vitality Assessments and engage health promoting practices.
- Our model enables organizations to establish a “Pop Up” Health Creation Lab onsite, in as little as 120 sq. ft. of office space, where the workforce can readily engage:
- Vitality Assessment services onsite, as required, with ease and efficiency, at no additional cost.
- Measure key biometrics in minutes, as often as desired, at no added cost.
- Practice key stress management skills, resilience training, functional strength, fitness, and vitality building sessions (each in as little as 3–5 minutes per session).
8. In-App Support & Guidance
- Employees receive ongoing support and guidance within the platform via AI-driven recommendations, a library of tutorial videos, masterclasses in audio and text format, on-call app concierge video chats, 1:1 Health & Vitality Coaching, virtual workshops and “happy hour” learning and social events.
- Choose your virtual 1:1 Health & Vitality Coach for personalized support and guidance (pre-paid, or a la carte).
- The organization's Vitality Ambassador acts as a champion within the organization to encourage V-Metrics engagement and ensure all are aware of the features, resources, and support system available through V-Metrics. Ideally, they would also facilitate the employees to partner (accountability buddies), engage in regular re-assessments, and continuous learning. They may utilize corporate intranet to encourage participation, share inspirational stories and inspire engagement in new workshops, features or programs released by V-Metrics.